Preparing Your Bus Personnel For Emergency Situations

Last spring, Operation STEER took place in Huntsville, Texas. The "Student Transportation Emergency Education and Response", or "Operation STEER", is offered by the Region 6 Education Service Center (ESC 6) with support from a Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) grant.

First responders and student transportation vendors joined ESC 6 at the inaugural training hosted by the Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District transportation training facility near Houston.

The program was developed by Diane Wilson, the school bus safety training specialist at ESC 6, who said she drew inspiration from the Hands-on School Bus Evacuations for Students with Special Needs & Preschoolers offered at Transporting Students with Disabilities and Special Needs (TSD) Conference hosted by School Transportation News.

Wilson explained that she was able to secure a grant from TxDOT via the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. This grant allows for the launch of statewide training, which includes simulated emergency demonstrations conducted with student transporters, firefighters and emergency services.

This was the first Operation STEER event that brought together school districts served by ESC 6 and ESC 4 in Huntsville, Texas.

The combined two regions had approximately 108 school districts.

The training included simulation, "what-if" exercises, including school bus fires, equipment to put out the fire, and rescue scenarios. Also covered were managing students in wheelchairs and with other special needs, as well as CPR, and what to do if a student runs away during an emergency.  

S.Z. Estavillo "Texas Program Enhances School Bus Safety Through Simulation Training" (Apr. 17, 2024).

Commentary and Checklist

In every state and school district, yearly re-certification of school bus drivers can help protect students, covering behind-the-wheel skills, equipment inspections, rules of the road, communication skills, and emergency preparedness.

What other safety steps can schools take to help protect students riding the school bus?

  • Only hire drivers who pass a criminal background check.
  • Drivers should have excellent traffic safety and other safety records.
  • Use video surveillance on all busses.
  • Use seat belts and assigned seats.
  • Train bus drivers and monitors on child sexual abuse prevention.
  • Respond quickly to investigate any report of wrongdoing on a bus.
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