The Very Strong Link Between Stalking And Violence

An Oklahoma family was awarded nearly $12M in a wrongful death lawsuit involving a botched police investigation into their teenage daughter's death.

On December 08, 2020, Heather Williams found her 14-year-old daughter, Alaunna Raffield, in the family's garage with a gunshot wound to the head. Despite authorities quickly ruling her death a suicide, nothing in Alaunna's journal indicated suicidal thoughts.

Two years later, Alaunna's parents, Heather and Kevin Williams, filed a wrongful death lawsuit against an 18-year-old, Cody Baker, who had allegedly been stalking the teen.

The Prague, Oklahoma Police Department identified a suspicious relationship between the two, and Baker admitted to logging into Alaunna's social media account after her death to retrieve pictures. Police also discovered inappropriate messages and nude photos of an unidentified woman.

The investigation revealed several inconsistencies, including Baker's contradictory statements about his whereabouts on the night of Alaunna's death. Additionally, the gun found near Alaunna's body was never positively identified as the weapon used in her death, and a gunpowder residue test was never conducted. The family's persistent suspicions of foul play led them to pursue the lawsuit.

Ultimately, the Lincoln County District Court judge sided with Alaunna's family, awarding them $11.6M in punitive damages for pain and suffering, lost future earnings, and loss of companionship. The judgment was symbolic, as it applied legal culpability to Baker in Alaunna's death. (Nov. 07, 2024).


This tragic matter begs a question. If the accused is liable for damages, why wasn't he prosecuted?

According to the source, Cody Baker was not prosecuted because of several factors, including a botched police investigation and lack of sufficient evidence. Instead, the Prague Police Department quickly ruled Alaunna Raffield's death a suicide and did not conduct a thorough investigation. Key pieces of evidence, such as the gun found near Alaunna's body, were not properly examined, and a gunpowder residue test was never conducted. Additionally, Baker's contradictory statements and suspicious behavior were not thoroughly investigated.

Despite the family's persistent suspicions of foul play, the case was closed by the Prague Police Department, and the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigations never opened an investigation. As a result, no criminal charges were filed against Baker, and the family pursued a civil lawsuit instead.

Although the police may have botched the investigation, it should also be remembered that the standard of proof for criminal actions is "beyond reasonable doubt". The standard of proof for civil actions is "preponderance of the evidence".

Prosecutors have the discretion on whether to bring a case. Based on the circumstances, it is unlikely prosecutors believed they had sufficient evidence to meet the burden of proof necessary in a criminal case.

This matter also involved stalking. There is a significant connection between stalking and violence, particularly intimate partner violence. Stalking often occurs along with other forms of violence and can be an indicator of escalating abusive behavior.

Many stalking victims are stalked by current or former intimate partners. This behavior can be a way to exert power and control during or after an abusive relationship.

Stalking increases the risk of physical violence. Intimate partner stalkers are more likely to use a wide range of stalking tactics, contact and approach victims more frequently, and escalate the frequency and intensity of their pursuit.

Stalking significantly increases the risk of intimate partner homicide. Many victims of attempted or completed intimate partner homicide were stalked before the attack.

The final takeaway is stalking is a serious issue that can have devastating consequences. If a child you know is experiencing stalking, it's important to seek help and support from local authorities or organizations specializing in stalking and intimate partner violence.

Sources:;; and

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